2007. janur 15. –Britney s Isaac jszakja
Britney s Isaac 40 000 dollrt mulattak el a fantasy Tower-ben, a Palmban , Las Vegasban. A hotel nem nyilatkozik, tegnap jjel.
Britney a CaesaR’S Palace-ban:
2007. janur 14. – Isaac a People magazinban
2007. janur 13. – Britney s Sean a jtsztren
Britney Mariah Carey producereivel dolgozik.
2007. janur 12. – Britney a Sideways megnyitjn
Britney hazafel az j tterem, a Sideways megnyitjrl.
-Britney leaving the grand opening of Sideways restaurant/lounge
Britney Isaac-kel.
2007. janur 12. – Britney s Sean elhagyjk a szolriumot
-Britney and Sean Preston leaving a West Hollywood tanning salon
2007. janur 11. – People.com: Britney Isaac Cohennel randizgat. A weboldal szerint az riember a jachton nem ms, mint Isaac Cohen topmodel-sznsz.
2007. janur 11. – Britney Larry-vel s Sean-nal egy llatkereskedsben
-Britney, Sean and Larry at a pet store in Malibu
Britney a Sky Bar-ban
-Britney trying to make her way into Sky Bar
2007. janur 9. – Britney menedzservel, Larryvel vsrolgat LA-ben (fotk)
2007 janur 8. – Britney a jachton
me a BreatheHeavy.com kpei Britneyrl, amint a jachtjn utazik egy titokzatos frfival…
2007. janur 7. – Britney j szmainak egyikt hallgatja a kocsiban hazafel
Feltevsek szerint Britney egy Mystical cm szmot hallgatott, mikor kiszllt a kocsibl, hazafel egy frdbl (az eleje hasonlt a Rebellion elejre!).
-New Britney demo clips.wav
You can also watch the video here!
2007. janur 6. – Lesifotk
2007. janur 5. – Britney j zenete a rajonginak
(BOCSI, de most nincs idm lefordtani magyarra)
Dear Fans,
It has been a while since I've addressed you personally here on my official website. The last couple of years have been quite a ride for me, the media has criticized my every move and printed a skewed perception of who I really am as a human being. Behind every decision I have made in my public life there always seems to be an apparent contradiction. I have come to terms with that which is why I usually don't pay much attention to it.
The last couple of years have been very enlightening for me and now that I've had the time to be "me," I've been able to sit down and think about where I want to go with myself as an entertainer with absolutely no strings attached. I am now more mature and feel like I am finally "free." I've been working so hard on this new album and I can't wait for you all to hear it and to go on tour again! I would like to exclusively tell you that I am working hard to release the new album sometime later this year, but the date is of course not certain yet. I look forward to coming back this year bigger and better than ever, and to also reaching out to my fans on a more personal level. I noticed today that one of my biggest fansites is shutting down soon and I want you all to know that I do understand all the reasons that went behind making that decision, and I am sad to see it closing. If I were you I'd be unhappy too if I had to read what I've been reading every day. But trust me, I get it. I know I've been far from perfect and the media has had a lot of fun exaggerating my every move, but I want you all to know that I love my fans so much, and I appreciate everything you have done for me, so Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
2007. janur 4. – Olyan pletykk kezdenek keringeni, miszerint „Britney vissza akarja szerezni Kevint”:
Egy bennfentes beszmolja szerint amikor Kevin karcsonykor felhvta Britet, hogy fiainak boldog karcsonyt kvnjon, Britney srsban trt ki, s knyrgtt Kevinnek, hogy jjjn vissza hozz, mert nagyon hinyzik neki. A „bart” szerint ezrt is kezdett el a szakts utn vadul bulizni, s utazgatni, el akarta felejteni Kevint, m a napok vgn egyedl maradt otthon gyermekeivel, s ekkor trt r a magny.
2007. janur 4. – Larry, Britney menedzsere egy interjban nyugtatja meg a rajongkat:
1. Britney hamarosan tl lesz a vlssal s egyebekkel jr nehz idszakon, s befejezi a lemezt.
2. A hamarosan elkszl j album mr flig kszen van.
3.Megrtst fejezete ki tovbb az jvi esemnyeken megdbbent rajongkkal szemben: Britney tudja, hogy sok tmogatjt s rajongjt elvesztette, s tudja, hogy nehz lesz visszaszereznie ket, azonban tovbbra is szereti s tiszteli ket, tudja, hogy vrnak a visszatrsre, s ennek eleget is fog tenni.
2007. janur 3. – Az MSNBC.com rteslsei szerint Britney visszavonult egy spa -kezelsre, hogy relaxljon, s kipihenje magt. A Britney-vel foglalkoz oldalak a hrt nem tartjk valsnak.
Kiderl, hogy Britney a szilveszteri bulin elaludt. jabb s jabb rehabilitcis intzetes pletykk. A Jive Records – t aggasztja a helyzet, ezrt hivatalos nyilatkozatban cfoljk meg az ezirny feltevseket: „No rehab, and Cindy Adams' piece is inaccurate. No clue where she go her 'information.' Britney is in the middle of recording. We will have an album in 2007."
2007.janur 2. - Britney a Las Vegas-i Pure-ban ksznttte az jvet
Katt ide a kpekrt!
Videk: -Britney wishing a Happy New Year to people at Pure.avi
-Britney at Pure's New Year's Eve party.avi
jabb: Watch it here!
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